9. Merge Flow

The following diagram captures RiVer Core Framework’s merge subcommand. The idea behind the subcommand was to assimilate the artifacts of various tests (test-lists, coverage database, ranks, etc.) into a single directory.


9.1. What does it internally do?

  1. Create a new output directory, remove the existing one after confirming.

  2. Parse the test_list.yaml from each directory that was received as input to the merge subcommand.

  3. Copy the asm directories from original work directories into the merged output directory.

  4. Create a new dictionary for a merged YAML, based on new paths.

  5. Check for coverage files and if they are found, call the selected plugin in the config.ini and call the merge API.

  6. After that is completed, the user is given the option to remove the original directories.

9.1.1. Usage Example

You can use the following command to merge directory databases:

In the following example we assume that you have different workdir (work directories) containing, coverage databases from different runs.


The current version of merge command only supports merging databases from the same generator, DuT and reference plugins.

$ ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 4.0K May 27 11:02 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 4.0K May 25 10:15 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 4.0K May 27 10:47 day1-aapg-hazards
drwxr-xr-x 1 vagrant vagrant 4.0K May 27 10:53 day2-aapg-illegal
-rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 1.5K May 27 10:57 river_core.ini
$ river_core merge --help
 Usage: river_core merge [OPTIONS] OUTPUT [DB_FILES]...

 subcommand to merge coverage databases.

 -v, --verbosity TEXT  set the verbosity level for the framework
 -c, --config FILE     Read option defaults from the INI file
                         Auto detects
                         river_core.ini in current directory or in the ~
 --version             Show the version and exit.
 --help                Show this message and exit.

Taking a look at the one of the generated test-lists.

    asm_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day1-aapg-hazards/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_0
    cc: riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
    cc_args: ' -mcmodel=medany -static -std=gnu99 -O2 -fno-common -fno-builtin-printf
        -fvisibility=hidden '
    compile_macros: []
    - /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day1-aapg-hazards/aapg/common/crt.S
    generator: aapg
    include: []
    isa: rv64imafd
    linker_args: -static -nostdlib -nostartfiles -lm -lgcc -T
    linker_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day1-aapg-hazards/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001.ld
    mabi: lp64
    march: rv64imafdc
    result: Unavailable
    work_dir: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day1-aapg-hazards/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001
    asm_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day2-aapg-illegal/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_000401_27052021131823302233_00001/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_000401_27052021131823302233_00001.S
    cc: riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
    cc_args: ' -mcmodel=medany -static -std=gnu99 -O2 -fno-common -fno-builtin-printf
        -fvisibility=hidden '
    compile_macros: []
    - /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day2-aapg-illegal/aapg/common/crt.S
    generator: aapg
    include: []
    isa: rv64imafd
    linker_args: -static -nostdlib -nostartfiles -lm -lgcc -T
    linker_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day2-aapg-illegal/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_000401_27052021131823302233_00001/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_000401_27052021131823302233_00001.ld
    mabi: lp64
    march: rv64imafdc
    result: Unavailable
    work_dir: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day2-aapg-illegal/aapg/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_000401_27052021131823302233_00001

We will now try to merge 2 different workdirs into one.

$ river_core merge -c river_core.ini week1-merged day1-aapg-hazards/ day2-aapg-illegal/

         info  | ------------RiVer Core Verification Framework------------
         info  | Version: 0.1.0
         info  | Copyright (c) 2021 InCore Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd.
         info  | Loading config from current directory
         info  | ****** Merge Mode ******
         info  | Copied ASM and other necessary files
     command  | No DB files found in /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day1-aapg-hazards
         info  | Copied ASM and other necessary files
     command  | No DB files found in /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/day2-aapg-illegal
         info  | Now running on the Target Plugins
         info  | Now loading chromite_verilator-target
         info  | Merged Test list is generated and available at /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/test_list.yaml
         info  | The following directories will be removed : ('day1-aapg-hazards/', 'day2-aapg-illegal/')
         info  | Hope you have took everything you want
 Type [Y/N] to continue execution ? N
         info  | Exiting framework.
         info  | Individual folders still exist

The above example created a new folder week1-merged, containing a merged testlist and the complete ASM files.

So, the merge command would also remove the existing directories if the user wishes to remove them.

The merged test-list would now contain an updated test-list yaml. As you can see now the paths to the tests have been updated.

    asm_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001.S
    cc: riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
    cc_args: ' -mcmodel=medany -static -std=gnu99 -O2 -fno-common -fno-builtin-printf
        -fvisibility=hidden '
    - /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/common/crt.S
    isa: rv64imafd
    linker_args: -static -nostdlib -nostartfiles -lm -lgcc -T
    linker_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001.ld
    mabi: lp64
    march: rv64imafdc
    result: Unavailable
    work_dir: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_hazards_s_008709_27052021112313223631_00001
    asm_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_004526_27052021131823302220_00000/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_004526_27052021131823302220_00000.S
    cc: riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc
    cc_args: ' -mcmodel=medany -static -std=gnu99 -O2 -fno-common -fno-builtin-printf
        -fvisibility=hidden '
    - /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/common/crt.S
    isa: rv64imafd
    linker_args: -static -nostdlib -nostartfiles -lm -lgcc -T
    linker_file: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_004526_27052021131823302220_00000/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_004526_27052021131823302220_00000.ld
    mabi: lp64
    march: rv64imafdc
    result: Unavailable
    work_dir: /Code/Incore/tmp/merge_test/week1-merged/asm/aapg_rv64imafdc_illegal_s_004526_27052021131823302220_00000

9.2. Merge API