10. Build Your Own Plugin

This chapter will discuss about the nuances of the river_core framework and how to add more plugins or create customizations in the framework.

10.1. Plugin Development

To facilitate a plugin based approach, we use the Pluggy Framework. And to do all the low-level work (command generation, running commands) we use the Pytest Framework in combination with the Pluggy framework. It also is helpful as it provides with detailed HTML reports.

As explained in the Overview, the plugins are broadly classified into Generator, DUT (Device Under Test) and Reference Plugins.

To re-iterate the above things in short:

  • Generator plugins:

    These plugins are wrappers around existing Random Code Generator tools that generate random ASM files for a design to run. Some of the common examples include:

    • AAPG

    • Torture

    • Microtesk

  • DUT plugins:

    These Plugins help in running the above generated tests on a design and compiler that you want. Some of the common compiler plugins include:

    • Verilator

    • Questa

    • Cadence

    Supported cores at the moment:

    • Chromite

    • Your design :)

  • Reference Plugins run the above generated tests on a golden standard. Some of the common examples include:

    • Spike

    • SAIL

10.1.1. Example Plugin Directory Common Files

  • {name}_plugin.py the main Python file that is loaded when the Plugin is loaded into RiVer Core.

  • conftest.py config file for the Pytest framework

  • gen_framework.py main file which will be containing the pytest parameters and commands to execute.

  • README.md README for the plugin

  • __init__.py Standard __init__ file for importing packages Generator Plugins

Taking the example of the AAPG plugin:

├── aapg_gen_config.yaml
├── aapg_plugin.py
├── conftest.py
├── gen_framework.py
├── README.md
├── __init__.py
└── templates
  • aapg_gen_config.yaml contains the configuration specific to the AAPG plugin, config.yaml path and the command to run etc.

  • templates AAPG specific templates for generator YAMLs Device Under Test Plugins

Taking an example of the Chromite Verilator plugin:

├── boot
│   ├── boot.hex
│   ├── chromite.dtb
│   ├── chromite.dts
│   ├── config.chromite
│   └── Makefile
├── chromite_verilator_plugin.py
├── conftest.py
├── gen_framework.py
├── __init__.py
└── README.rst
  • boot directory contains files related to core Reference Plugins

Taking an example of the Spike plugin:

├── conftest.py
├── gen_framework.py
├── __init__.py
├── README.md
└── spike_plugin.py

10.1.2. Plugin API

This topic will explain some of the APIs defined for integrating different plugins into RiVer Core. Generator Plugins

  • The generator plugin needs to have 3 different APIs that will be accessed by RiVer Core.

    The activities of the plugins are divided into the below 3 categories. DUT and Reference Plugins

  • The DUT plugins needs to have 4 different APIs that will be accessed by RiVer Core.

  • Reference plugin only needs to have the first 3, merge API is optional.

10.1.3. Things to consider while designing plugins 1. Plugin naming

The class for the plugin has to be plugin_name + plugin. Keeping all the plugins in lowercase.

This is because the RiVer Core is designed to load all plugins in a similar format.

            plugin_class = "{0}_plugin".format(suite)
            class_to_call = getattr(generatorpm_module, plugin_class)
            # TODO:DOC: Naming for class in plugin

        except FileNotFoundError as txt:
            logger.error(suite + " not found at : " + path_to_module + ".\n" +
            raise SystemExit 2. Use pre_gen and init to load and get all values

Like the current plugins call and load the required config from the .ini and YAML files, you s should ideally be loading all the required configuration in the initial hooks of the plugins. 3. Return a test_list dict for gen phase

All the generators should be generating a corresponding test-list, conforming to the schema mentioned in the Test-List